We built our own house in MA, a modern farmhouse on the smaller side and with many green features – Jen was the project manager and worked with the town’s Building Department, Planning Board and Zoning to get approvals for a build in 6 months and permitting in 3 months.  

a.     We designed the house and strategically used specialists in an economic way throughout the process.  For example, we hired architects for schematic designs to refine our designs instead of hiring architects for full designs – this saved us tens of thousands.  

b.     Throughout the process we strategically weighed cost cutting measures with where to spend money for the long-term gain for example, we used porcelain sinks and less expensive cabinet bases and put more money into the highest rated quality floors which are also bamboo and eco-friendly.

c.      We both have the skill set to look at 2-D drawings of houses and visualize what the actual building will be like – this helps save a lot of money with change orders as things get built researched over 10 builders and 3 prefab companies